
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The NZ Art Show

I once again have an artists wall at the The New Zealand Art Show - (formally Affordable Art Show).

The New Zealand Art Show is a three day visual feast for art lovers and those interested in purchasing original New Zealand Art for under $5,000.

The show exhibits and sells work by hundreds of new, emerging and established artists from around New Zealand. Each year there is an enormous variety of art styles, genres and media.

Friday 30 July - Sunday 1 August 2010
TSB Bank Arena, Queens Wharf, Jervois Quay
Wellington, New Zealand

Show days are open to the public by general admission. The art displayed is constantly changing so there is always something different to see.

Opening times are 10:00am - 5:00pm daily. Adults $10 and children free.

More info is available on their website

New Blog Page.

Hi all,
I thought I would try this to see if it is an easier way to get my work out there and keep in touch with people who have shown an interest in purchasing or exhibiting my work. Let me know what you think.